
In this tutorial we’ll create a few blog posts and list them on our demo Bakery Store site.

Creating a post

Blog posts live in the _posts directory. Each post is stored in its own file. The file name of a post is important, the beginning has the date when the post was or will be published, then there’s a title and finally an extension. By default, blog posts are commonly written in Markdown but can also be written in HTML. We’ll create a new file for our first post: _posts/

In our post we’ll start with empty front matter. We need this empty front matter to tell Jekyll that this isn’t a static file. Then we’ll add our Markdown content:

The chocolate chip cookie was invented by Ruth Graves Wakefield. She owned the Toll House Inn, in Whitman, Massachusetts, a very popular restaurant that featured home cooking in the 1930s. Her cookbook, Toll House Tried and True Recipes, was first published in 1936 by M. Barrows & Company, New York. The 1938 edition of the cookbook was the first to include the recipe "Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookie" which rapidly became a favorite cookie in American homes.

Source / Read more [Wikipedia](

We’ll repeat this for another post, _posts/

Sourdough bread is made by the fermentation of dough using naturally-occurring lactobacilli and yeast. Sourdough bread has a mildly sour taste not present in most breads made with baker's yeast and better inherent keeping qualities than other breads, due to the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli.

Source / Read more [Wikipedia](

List all posts

We have two blog posts on our site, let’s have a page which lists all the posts. We’ll create blog.html in the root of the site and add front matter to set the layout and title:

layout: page
title: Blog Page

Next we’ll output the blog posts in an unordered list, each post will have a link and title. Jekyll gives us access to an array of all the posts at site.posts. A post object has special properties. url is the URL for the generated post page, date is (by default) the date specified in the file name and title is (by default) the title specified in the file name:

  {% for post in site.posts %}
    <li><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}

Blog posts

When we click on a post it takes us to the generated page:

Blog post

Post layout

The generated page currently has no styling because there’s no layout. Let’s create a layout at _layouts/posts.html, inherit the page layout then output the title, date and content. Jekyll automatically converts the markdown content into HTML:

layout: page

<h2 class="spacing">{{ page.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ }}</p>

{{ content }}

Now we need to add the layout in _posts/ and _posts/

layout: posts

Formatted blog post

Date filter

That’s almost there except the date is too long. We can run it through a date filter to fix the formatting:

<p>{{ | date: '%B %d, %Y' }}</p>
