Liquid string filters allow us to modify string variables. In this example we have a heading
variable in front matter we’re outputting as an h2
layout: default
title: Home
heading: Fresh, homemade baked goods
<section class="hero">
<div class="small-container">
<h2>{{ page.heading }}</h2>
<p class="sub-text">Bakery<strong>Store</strong> serves the freshest baked goods in San Francisco.</p>
Let’s say we’re outputting heading
string in multiple places across this page but each time, we want the output to be slightly different.
In this first instance, instead of saying “baked goods” we want it to say “baked bread”. This is an excellent use case for Liquid filters.
To use a filter we’ll add a “|” after the variable then pass it a filter, replace
in this case:
<h2>{{ page.heading | replace: "goods", "bread" }}</h2>
We can also chain filters together, so let’s make the heading uppercase as well:
<h2>{{ page.heading | replace: "goods", "bread" | upcase }}</h2>
Below is some examples of different string filters. Head over to the Cheat Sheet to see all filters you can use.
Filter | Output |
{{ "cupcake" | prepend: "chocolate " }} |
chocolate cupcake |
{{ "lemon" | append: " cake" }} |
lemon cake |
{{ "i like cupcakes" | capitalize }} |
I like cupcakes |
{{ "BakeryStore" | downcase }} |
bakerystore |
{{ "apple pie" | upcase }} |
{{ "muffin&cupcake?" | cgi_escape }} |
muffin%26cupcake%3F |
{{ "<h1>Banana Split</h1>" | escape }} |
<h1>Banana Split</h1> |
{{ "blueberry muffin.html" | slugify }} |
blueberry-muffin-html |
{{ "<h1>Greentea cheesecake</h1>" | strip_html }} |
Greentea cheesecake |
{{ "**Sour dough** bread" | markdownify }} |
Sour dough bread |
{{ "I really really like cupcakes" | remove_first: 'really' }} |
I really like cupcakes |
{{ "I really really like cupcakes" | remove: 'really' }} |
I like cupcakes |
{{ "I really really like cupcakes" | replace_first: "really", "truly" }} |
I truly really like cupcakes |
{{ "I really really like cupcakes" | replace: "really", "truly" }} |
I truly truly like cupcakes |
{{ "Carrot cake" | size }} |
11 |
{{ "Peanut butter cheesecake" | number_of_words }} |
3 |
{{ "Souffle" | slice: 0 }} |
S |
{{ "Souffle" | slice: 1 }} |
o |
{{ "Souffle" | slice: -2 }} |
l |
{{ "Souffle" | slice: 2,4 }} |
uffl |
{{ "apple,banana,carrot" | split:"," | jsonify }} |
["apple","banana","carrot"] |
{{ "The freshest bread in San Francisco" | truncate: 15 }} |
The freshest... |
{{ "Who ate all the cupcakes?" | truncatewords: 3 }} |
Who ate all... |